
Why the name Goody Farm?

Why the name Goody Farm?
January 1, 2018 goodyfarmer

Why Goody Farm?

You may be wondering why we called our company ‘Goody Farm?’ To make a long story short, this site was inspired by our faith and a way of honoring God with our talents He has given us. We wanted to share gifts with the world though design of various products that spread the messages of faith, hope and love. Whether successful or not with this journey, we wanted to honor God with the best we knew how. Hope you like the various messages and seeds we chose to present to the world. The farm is a representation of a place where we would be able to create and spread good with our products. Our goal is to spread seeds of hope with our products and be able to cultivate and create amazing things!

Working most of my career as a designer – I wanted to create an e-commerce presence that would be near and dear to my heart so that I can be passionate about it. It took me a lot of soul searching of what types of products I wanted to place online…But with prayers and guidance, I found my passion in faith and love. It’s no longer trying to to sell something online, but rather, it is something bigger…spreading seeds of hope to the world.  Whether I sell a ton of things or sell a little…it is all for God…I do this solely for Him.

I don’t expect to quit my day job anytime soon since I still love designing and using my talents to help other businesses succeed. What I do hope and pray is that these products can be great conversation starters or perhaps just to spread positivity and love around the world.

Our goal is to spread the message of Love, Faith, and Hope that our Lord has provided for us…through positive and encouraging design and messages. We hope that you choose these items as ways to encourage others and spread the seeds…or simply a gift for yourself.

Thank you in advance for supporting our cause and we hope you like the curation of products we present.

Enjoy the goodies, enjoy life, and all the blessings God has given all of us.