
One Summer. One Hope.

One Summer. One Hope.
July 9, 2018 goodyfarmer

It all started with a dream…

A friend of mine wanted for me to meet a mutual friend of his because he thought we could help each other in our desire to help non-profits. Little did I know that one meeting could change my life. As I look back now I believe it was a divine appointment. At the end of our lunch, I was just blessed with my new friend’s testimony and how God had worked on his faith in the past months.

He shared with me a vision he had of an event that would bless the youths of Orange County through a music, speakers and art through an event called “Summer of Hope.”  Apparently the vision of this event started with a dream and two other individuals had similar dreams. Somehow these three were connected and the Summer of Hope was born.

I didn’t know what my role for the event was, but I was really drawn to the idea of using my talents to help others…

I remember thinking after the meeting…”Can I really help with this event? Are my intentions of blessing and loving these kids genuine?…or was this a way for me to ‘impress’ others…what was my real intention? I don’t even know these kids…(I am just wired to think that way I guess)

But God gently reminded me of one simple thing (to this day, I still get teary eyed, because He sincerely spoke to me in his quiet voice…sorry if that sounds crazy). He said, “You were one of these kids”…and was reminded that it took ‘others’ to plants seeds in me through the years which I was grateful for. He made those seeds grow in time, taking out weeds that tried to entangle it…so out of gratefulness, I decided to be a part of Summer of Hope…and God blessed and worked in so many ways I could not have ever imagined.

Fast forward six months later, I realized the seeds of hope we planted on that day of Summer of Hope was not just for the kids and people that were there, but the seeds in me bloomed. Something exciting is happening and I pray for my brothers and sisters involved as well that God would guide them and protect them.